An overall guiding mission of 克莱蒙特学院 is education in an environment where the free exchange of ideas is encouraged and protected. 克莱蒙特学院 make available computing and network facilities (CNF) resources for use by the Colleges’ students, 教职员工. 提供这些服务的目的是教育和执行学院的合法业务.
学院和学院社区的成员应该遵守联邦, 管理计算机和电信使用的州和地方法律, 以及学院的规章制度和政策. You must not use campus computing or networking resources or personal computing resources accessed through campus network facilities to collect, 储存或分发信息或材料, 或者参与违反联邦法律的活动, 州或地方法律或其他学院的政策或指导方针. 这些包括, 但不限于, 有关知识产权和性骚扰或其他形式骚扰的政策和指导方针.
Computing and network facilities resources users are required to use these resources within the Colleges’ standards of conduct. 具有信息系统专业知识或广泛使用这些设施的个人, 或者对这些设施持信任态度的人将被要求对更高的标准负责.
负责任的, 体贴的, 学院期望的道德行为延伸到使用计算机和网络设施资源, 以及世界各地提供电子接入的网络. 这些CNF资源包括但不限于:
- 计算机及相关外围设备;
- 校园视频线;
- 课堂演示系统;
- 语音信息设备;
- 数据联网设备系统,包括远程和无线接入;
- 计算机软件;
- 以电子方式储存的机构数据和讯息;
- All other similar resources owned, controlled, and/or operated by the Colleges; and
- 维护这些资源的服务.
各学院保留CNF资源的绝对所有权. 这些资源不属于任何部门或个人所有. CNF资源租赁, 许可, 或根据研究合同或赠款购买, are administered under the terms of this Policy for as long as they remain within the lawful possession or control of the Colleges. 提供给校内宿舍的CNF资源也由学院拥有、经营和提供.
隐私 & 安全
你的文件, files and electronic mail stored on a College-owned networked computer or server are normally accessible only by you. 然而, 放置在学院拥有的计算机或网络上的任何文件或文档均可根据本政策进行访问, 因此, 不应该被视为私人或机密吗. The system managers at both CINE (Claremont Intercollegiate Network Effort) and within the individual campus IT organizations have the ability to monitor traffic and directly view any file as it moves across the network, 为了管理校园网资源,他们必须偶尔这样做. 简而言之, files may be monitored without notice in the ordinary course of business to ensure the smooth operation of the network. All staff members working in information technology have clear guidelines that prohibit violations of privacy and confidentiality and, 在他们正常的工作过程中, 它们不查看用户文件或电子邮件的内容. 然而, you should be aware that authorized College personnel will take appropriate steps to investigate when there is a suspicion of inappropriate use of campus computing or networking resources. 这可能包括监视网络流量, 它的内容, 并检查任何连接到网络的计算机系统上的文件.
您还应该知道共享(i.e., 网络)系统, 包括电子邮件服务器, 按各学院确定的时间表定期备份. 备份磁带的保存时间长短也由各个学院的操作程序决定. 这些磁带可以用来恢复您不小心删除的文件. This means that the files on the tapes are also available to someone else with reason and authority to retrieve them.
校园网故障排除, 以及对增强的规划, 需要收集网络流量的详细数据. CINE regularly runs monitoring software that records and reports on the data that is transported across the campus networks. 这些报告包括源地址和目的地址, 文件的其他特点, 包括所联系的万维网网站的网址. 只有负责网络性能的授权IT人员才能访问和使用这些数据, 运作及计划. You should also be aware that many Web host machines on the Internet collect and log information about you and your identity when you visit their sites. 这些信息可能包括, 但不限于, 有关您正在使用的计算机的信息, 它的地址, 还有你的电子邮件地址.
学院的许多教育和商业活动都需要通过网络访问互联网上的资源. 确保这些网站有足够的频宽,供书院作主要教育及商业用途, CINE and campus IT staff may restrict the amount of traffic to particular sites and the amount of traffic of specific types.
From time to time these network monitoring activities may allow systems managers to identify individuals whose activities downgrade the performance of the campus network or a segment of the network, or which appear to violate the general guidelines for appropriate use of campus computing and network resources. 在这种情况下, CINE工作人员或您所在学院的IT工作人员可能会要求您停止这些活动. 如果你继续这样做, 或者是否包括非法活动, 可能会通知适当的学院当局. 在极端情况下, 在问题解决之前,可以暂时撤销网络特权. 个别校园决定具体的纠正或纪律处分.
Individuals entrusted with or that inadvertently discover logins and passwords are expected to guard them responsibly. 这些密码不能与他人共享. 同样的政策也适用于限制进入的房间/区域的门代码. 需要登录名或门码的用户可以向管理员正式申请这些代码/密码. 密码可用于安全目的, 但密码的使用并不影响克莱蒙特学院对电子信息的所有权.
访问CNF资源是一种特权, 哪些只准予学院的授权人员及学生使用. 所有用户必须理解并遵守使用特权所带来的责任. 这些责任包括但不限于以下内容:
- 您必须了解并遵守所有适用的联邦、州和地方法律.
- 你不能故意寻找有关的信息, 浏览, 复制, 或者修改属于他人的非公开文件, 无论是在克莱蒙特学院还是其他地方. 您一定不要试图“嗅探”或窃听网络上不适合您的数据.
- You are authorized to use only computer resources and information to which you have legitimately been granted access. 与他人共享密码是明令禁止的. 任何未经授权进入任何计算机系统的企图, 资源或信息是明确禁止的. 如果您遇到或观察到系统或网络安全方面的漏洞, 立即向该系统的经理报告差距.
- Each College’s Policy on Harassment applies as equally to electronic displays and communications as to the more traditional (e.g.(口头和书面)展示和交流的手段.
- 消息, 情绪, and declarations sent as electronic mail or postings must meet the same standards for distribution or display as physical (paper) documents would on college property.
- 来自校园网络或计算资源的未经请求的邮件和未经授权的群发邮件(i.e.(“垃圾邮件”)是被禁止的. 每个校园可能对使用现有的群邮件列表有特定的政策.g.(全体学生或全体教员). 有关这些政策的详细信息,请联系您的校园IT组织.
- 欺骗, 或试图欺骗或伪造电子邮件, 网络或其他信息用于识别来源, 目的地或值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台通信的其他信息, 禁止提供数据或信息.
- You must not degrade computing or network performance in any way that could prevent others from meeting their educational or College business goals. 您不能通过运行无人值守的进程来阻止其他人使用共享资源, 通过玩游戏或“锁定”系统未经适当的系统管理员的许可.
- 你必须遵守有关知识产权保护的法律和学院政策, 包括有关版权的法律和政策, 专利, 和商标. When the content and distribution of an electronic communication would exceed fair use as defined by the federal Copyright Act of 1976, users of campus computing or networking resources shall secure appropriate permission to distribute protected material in any form, 包括文本, 照片, audio, video, 图形插图, 和计算机软件.
- You must not use campus computing or networking resources or personal computing resources accessed through campus network facilities to collect, 储存或分发信息或材料, 或者参与违反联邦法律的活动, 州或地方法律.
- You must not use campus computing or networking resources or personal computing resources accessed through campus network facilities to collect, 存储或分发违反其他学院政策或指导方针的信息或材料. 这些包括, 但不限于, 有关知识产权和性骚扰或其他形式骚扰的政策和指导方针.
- 不得制造或故意传播电脑病毒, 蠕虫, 或其他旨在降低系统或网络安全性的软件. 您必须采取合理的步骤来防止您的系统被用作此类行为的载体. 包括安装系统补丁和软件补丁,以及安装防病毒签名文件.
- 使用CNF资源做广告, 销售, and soliciting for commercial purposes or for personal gain is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Colleges . 教师, students or staff who have questions about the legitimacy of a particular use should discuss it with the appropriate members of the IT staff on their home campus.
- The disclosure of individually identifiable non-directory information to non-university personnel is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). The disclosure of financial or personnel records that are owned by the Colleges without permission or to unauthorized persons is not permitted and may be prosecuted under California Penal Code 502.
- Willful or unauthorized misuse or disclosure of information owned by the Colleges will also constitute just cause for disciplinary action, including dismissal from school and/or termination of employment regardless of whether criminal or civil penalties are imposed. 预计任何用户都将报告涉嫌滥用CNF资源的情况. Failure to do so may subject the individual to loss of CNF access and/or the disciplinary action referred to above.
The respective 信息技术 organization of one of the Claremont Colleges may immediately suspend service to an individual or computer found to be significantly degrading the usability of the network or other computer systems. 如使用不当,将提交有关学院当局采取行动, 这可能导致开除学籍和/或终止雇佣关系.
注:本政策的规定适用于组成克莱蒙特学院的机构, 包括克莱蒙特大学联盟.